food processing

Training of small-scale farmers and traders at the Food Processing Hub

The Strengthening Kenyan Small-scale Mango Processors to Access Market and Reduce Losses (SAP) Project team has embarked on a series of training and capacity building activities for mango farmers and processors in Kenya. The SAP project is a collaborative initiative between the University of Nairobi (UON) and Purdue University (USA) which is supported by the Rockefeller Foundation (Yieldwise initiative).

Shamba shape up TV show:Simple Storage and Small-scale Processing Technologies for Horticultural Farmers

The Shamba Shape Up Series 10 - Ep 24 aired on Citizen TV features the Zero Energy Brick Cooler (ZEBC), one of the technologies installed at the newly established 'Innovative Cold Storage Technologies: Research, Training and Demonstration Unit' at the field station of the College of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences.

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