Latest News & Announcements

International training workshop on Increasing the Development Impact of Agricultural Research in Africa

The Department of Plant Science and Crop Protection, in collaboration with the University of Sydney, will conduct a five-week training course on Increasing the Development Impact of Agricultural Research in Africa The training will take place at the Southern Sun Mayfair Hotel, Nairobi.

Students attend the Emerging Scientist’s Training and Workshop 2019

Two MSc. Students in Range Management, Edwin Maingi and Sylvia Muchiri, both from the department of Land Resource Management and Technology (LARMAT), were among students who attended a 10 day emerging scientist’s workshop in Oloisukut conservancy, Narok County.

Effect of rangeland rehabilitation on the herbaceous species composition and diversity in Suswa catchment, Narok County

Land degradation is a serious environmental problem of our time. In Kenya, it is estimated that 30% of the total land mass is severely degraded. Suswa catchment within Narok County is a good example with gullies of over 25 m deep and 30 m wide.

Seroepidemiological Survey of Rift Valley Fever Virus in Ruminants in Garissa

Rift Valley fever (RVF) is a vector-borne zoonotic disease caused by phlebovirus in the family Bunyaviridae. In Kenya, major outbreaks occurred in 1997–1998 and 2006–2007 leading to human deaths, huge economic losses because of livestock morbidity, mortality, and restrictions on livestock trade.

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