Prof. Geoffrey Moriaso Ole Maloiy holds the following degrees, BScin Science (British Columbia, Canada), PhD inAnimal Physiology (Aberdeen, Scotland), Post-Doctoral Fellowship (Institute of Animal Physiology (Cambridge, UK),D.Sc. (Hon) (Duke University, U.S.A), D.Sc. in in Comparative Animal Physiology, (Aberdeen, Scotland) DL. (Hon) (IBC Cambridge, UK), D.Sc. in Comparative Physiology(University of Nairobi, Kenya)and D.Sc. (Hon) (Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya) He served as Professor of Animal Physiology and Chairman, Department of Animal Physiology, University of Nairobi (1975-1976), Dean, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (1976-1980), Principal, College of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences (1983-1988) and Chancellor, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology. He has published 184 peer-reviewed scientific papers and 6 Books. Prof. Maloiy has undertaken numerous research projects and consultancies in the area of comparative animal physiology and supervised several students at both MSc and PhD level at the University of Nairobi