
The Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Animal Health (AHIL) is a five-year (2020 to 2025) cooperative agreement funded by United States Agency for…

The Department of Plant Science and Crop Protection will conduct a virtual short course on Postharvest Food Loss and Waste Reduction: Towards Sustainable Food Systems.  The course will cover topics such as Food losses…

The University of Nairobi, College of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences, Department of Food Science, Nutrition and Technology in collaboration with Cornell University, Food Science and Technology Platform of Kenya (FoSTeP-K), and experts across the African continent invite you to a webinar…

You are invited  to an  online lecture given by the University of Nairobi and the University of Milan on Tuesday, April 20th, 2021 at 2:30pm. click here for the link to join. 

The Library Department invites you to the 7th Library Open week scheduled from April 14- 16, 2021.

The Open Week will showcase the electronic information resources, services and facilities accessible to the University community. A key resource in particular is the…

This is an invitation to a webinar on the 'The Covid-19 Vaccination Rollout' on Wednesday March 31, 2021 from 6-8 pm. Find attached the Frequently asked questions on the vaccine. 

The faculty of Agriculture Cordially invites you to attend for Food Security Center regional workshop 2021 "The responsible governance of innovations for food security."

When: 25TH MARCH – 26TH MARCH 2021

UoN through the office of Dean of students invites all for the UoN Talent Day

The University of Nairobi in Collaboration with the African Development Bank and Education for Sustainable Development in Africa (ESDA) is pleased to invite you to the African symposium on higher education, whose theme is: …

The University of Nairobi will host this year's annual open Day on the 18th and 19th of February 2021. This year, the open Day will be held virtually. The theme is Skills and competencies for emerging trends.

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